Sunday, May 28, 2006

Caterering for all occassions

Thursday night was my first visit to Putney. As the sun shone down on the Thames, Musty MC and I wandered along to the Half Moon Pub music venue to catch The Caterers, featuring guest vocalist Harry Hill.

It was a crazy, surreal night with Harry and the lads covering Beck, Morrissey, Madonna, The Kaiser Chiefs, Elvis, Blur, The Arctic Monkeys, The Osmonds and many more.

Horny Harry at playAmongst the songs Harry threw in pieces of his absurdly funny stand-up act, Trombone solos, a xylophone-like horn honking performance and Musty MC was turned into a Duck - he's probably at home now making bread, kneading the dough with his beak ('quack').

Madonna struts her stuffSpecial guests included, Madonna (pictured), Stouffer the cat, a Sitar Woman (for the Elvis cover), Harry's layabout son Gary, a Badger and a Crazy Horse ('dirty horse'). The Caterers are now on their London tour. Check out for more info.

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