Tickle Me Eno
or "Ain't it funny how time slips away?"
There I was a couple of hours ago thinking that I might go and catch the late night screening of 4: The Rise Of The Silver Surfer at my local popcorn pit. I thought I'd check out a few online reviews for the movie first to see if it was worth the effort. I took a look over at Film Threat, hmmm, a mixed review to say the least, wait what's that? A link to a short film called The Caress Of The Creature. Hey, I love the old Creature From The Black Lagoon movies and this camp homage sounds like it's right up my alley (so to speak). To find out more about this 'Tickle-Creature' I went over to IMDB and then googled and found the film's official myspace page. From there I watched the trailer over at YouTube. Nicely done - I wish I had been a film student (or an underwater gill-man)...
Anyway, on that page, in the list of related videos, I saw a clip about an intriguing game called Spore which led me to spend some time over at The Long Now Foundation website. I then read a bit about one of their projects called The Clock Of The Long Now and had a peak at some of the long term bets placed over at Long Bets.Finally I decided to surf over to FORA.tv and watch the full version of the video about Spore, called Playing With Time. It's presented by Spore creator Will Wright and egghead musician Brian Eno.
It's an interesting discussion about the generation of games and music. I found it to be an entertaining and thought provoking 1 Hour and 40 minutes - It takes a lot to hold my attention on something on the 'net for that long! Now where was I? Where am I? Doh! It's too late to see the Fantastic Four sequel now, I've run out of time! How on earth did that happen? Maybe I can see it tomorrow - if I can steer clear of the Interweb and all of its educational distractions. Must go to bed now as I've got to get up in the morning...
Thanks for the link WC.
I thought you might be interested in Lou Reed talking about his current tour
BTW, are you free for a drink some time soon?
- da biike
Yes, I saw that Culture Show interview - I'm not familiar with Berlin at all. I think he's pretty brave to let this rehearsal footage be broadcast as it's pretty 'rough' to say the least.
I've got my work-life balance sorted so that I'm always free for a drink.
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