Friday, June 27, 2008

The best part of breaking up...

Are you looking a bit tired and drawn in the mirror lately? Is your hair falling out faster than normal? Are you wondering where that strange smell is coming from? Not seen any friends or neighbours for a few weeks?

'Send more Paramedics'
I can feel your pain. Just don't start to worry unless you're finding yourself strangely attracted to your postman and have the desire to eat his insides and suck on his delicious brain.

Ever thought about having eye laser surgery but are too worried about what might go wrong? What happens if you squeal and move about when your eyelid is clamped tightly back and the burning starts?

Ever, like Gary Numan, been 'in a car crash, or was it the war?' and have 'never been quite the same'?

Ever watched countless horror movies and felt like being your own
Dick Smith, Tom Savini or KNB?

Ever fancied being a Fangoria centerfold?
('My blood runs cold')

Try this
Zombie Makeover.

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